
Learn to speak Romanian

Build your Romainian vocabulary with digital Flashcards

Romanian hand


10 Words a day

If you learn just 10 new words a day you will know more than 3000 words in less than a year. With a vocabulary of the most common 3,000 words, you can understand 90% of everyday Romanian language conversations. Consistency is more important than quantity!

Anywere, Anytime

Learn on the go. Log in to Romlingo anywhere, anytime. Romlingo seamlessly synchronizes to the cloud, so you can view flashcards on one device, and then continue on another.

Sientiffic Algoritm

Romlingo flashcards uses a scientific spaced repetition algorithm. As you study, it learns how well you know each flashcard, then prioritizes them, so you focus mainly on the words you don't know so well, while occasionally repeating the words you already master for maximum memory retention.

100% free

No cost to use. Free forever! The entire Romlingo platform is offered at no cost for a lifetime, with no commitment. There is no trial period and you do not need to enter your credit card, since it really is completely 100% free.

flashcards for learning a new language

Interactive Flashcards are effective language learning tools because they naturally aid repetition, a key for study. Nobody remembers everything from the first try. Our brain tend to forget unused information in order to save energy. Regualar repetition "convinces" our brain that this piece of information is, indeed, important.

Romlingo uses a English-Romanian language database of more than 50000 words sorted by popularity so that you quickly will learn the most frequently used Romanian words and gradually progress to a near-native level of vocabulary.